Sunday, October 25, 2009
Remember the sun when it hides away

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Take a sad song and make it better
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
All their colors paint a story you could never tell in words
Saturday, September 5, 2009
From mind to body
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A fresh start
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Beach, mountain, forest, field
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July, July! It never seemed so strange...
I've forgotten to do a lot of things I meant to. Vegetable garden... oops. Guitar strap... oops. Doorknob... oops. But it's best not to burn out on stuff to do, right? All in good time, I'll get done the things I want to. I'm at least happy to say I managed to make it to my cousin's bar mitzvah in New York, even though my boss didn't give me the time off until two days before my flight. Unfortunately, I couldn't hem or haw my way out of working this weekend so I could make it to Rainbow Gathering. *crosses fingers the world doesn't end before next year's* But I am intending to put in my two weeks pretty soon so I'll have all of august to roam the Eastern countryside. Florida... Smokey Mountains in Tennessee... maybe? All in good time :)
My backyard appears to be infested with fleas, mosquitos, and poison ivy. However, I discovered a place to climb on the flat part of the carport roof, and huzzah! My haven! And restless feet are pointing Northeast lately, after the afore mentioned New York trip. I'd forgotten the beloved warmth of family, and am beginning to wish I lived closer. All in good time. I may find myself wandering after graduation. Pick an agency and ask to be a rover. I'm sure someone needs a good utility social worker :)
The absence of close friends and the heavy weight of summer classes and work gives me much time to myself. Sometimes that's a good thing... but mostly I just think too much. But even this will pass soon.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Nine Things to do in 2009
1. Go on a well-researched road trip to places in the US I’ve never been to. Any suggestions or companions are welcome :]
2. Read more good books. Stuff about philosophy, other cultures, religion, whatever will expand my understanding, mind, and credibility.
3. Research fuel economic cars and figure out what to do with my not-so-efficient car.
4. Reach out to my mom and brother and figure out how to help them understand each other and get along better
5. Delve deeper into guitar: learn how to recognize chords, notes, key, all by ear, and learn scales and more difficult chords.
6. Find time to volunteer regularly.
7. Ride some really freaky roller coasters and really get over that fear.
8. Go to a new festival. Rainbow Gathering may not be possible, but one like it, or Bonnaroo, or Burningman.
9. Learn Spanish, without a classroom.
2008: A Year of Becoming
Each month this year, I have created a playlist with the songs were trappeda in my head or best described the phase I was in at the time. Since it is the end of the year, I compiled a sort of 'Best of' playlist.
1. Do you realize??- The Flaming Lips
2. Bodysnatchers- Radiohead
3. Promises in the Dark- Pat Benatar
4. Don't stop believing- Journey
5. Silver Lining- Rilo Kiley
6. Don't stop me now- Queen
7. Peaceful, easy feeling- The Eagles
8. Wonderwall- Oasis
9. Real world- Matchbox Twenty
10. Fireworks- Animal Collective
11. Don't think twice it's all right- Bob Dylan
12. What I got- Sublime
13. Two of us- The Beatles
14. Desecration smile- Red Hot Chili Peppers
15. I'll believe you when- Matchbox Twenty
16. I'll make a man out of you- Mulan (heh..heh.. I babysat all summer)
17. Bohemian like you- The Dandy Warhols
18. Fool in the rain- Led Zeppelin
19. Getting better- The Beatles
20. Bittersweet symphony- The Verve
21. Sweet girl- Fleetwood Mac
22. Fire and rain- James Taylor
23. Third week in Chelsea- Jefferson Airplane
24. Ten things- Paul Baribeau
25. In the mausoleum- Beirut
26. Dreams- Fleetwood Mac
27. Brother Sport- Animal Collective
This past semester, I feel like I've pushed through another vagina into a brand new world. Essentially, that's what college is. Suddenly, you're forced out of this comfortable place where everything is provided for you without you really needing to do anything but grow and there's this endless expanse of brightness and strange people and stuff you have no idea what to do with this new world.
I cut the umbilical cord when I permanently moved into my own apartment, but I didn't realize that I not only detached myself from a home, but everything that was a part of it. I woke up one day and realized I'd somehow slipped out of one world and into another, and I'd left behind people and ideas and bits of myself. There was a period of panic and overwhelming "oh shit... who am I.. where am I.. what am I doing??" and when I finally pulled out of it, I held hands with my fears and transformed them into friends instead of foes. I did it completely on my own. I found myself for the first time without people pushing me and supporting me. And I watched others around me go through the same thing.
I understand all the things my mother used to tell me all the time. Stuff like... "Let go, and if it was meant to be yours, it will come back to you" or "The friends you make in college are friends for life" or "Sometimes you have to do what you don't want to do, because it pleases God and makes you a better person". Watching people I knew in high school transform and bust through a second theoretical vagina, into a bright new world, has fused unbreakable bonds of understanding that I can only hope are mutual.
I will always have a special, unconditional love for the people who were close to my heart in my troubled high school days, though I recognize the different paths we have separated upon. I was always the weird one, and that was embraced by my inner circle, but I now feel it's turned awry and outcasted. I have progressed within my former longings and innermost desires and my self has expanded, which makes me even more eccentric, weird, and misfitting amongst my high school crowd. As part of my growth, I have erased nearly all judgment and expectation of others to become increasingly more accepting and open-hearted, but that leaves me to their judgment, a heavy gaze I'd rather not walk under. I don't feel unwelcome, but I don't fit in anymore. I've grown accustomed to a family of people who watch out for each other and don't hold feelings of pettiness, judgment, or compensation. We are so unified by an underlying sense of community, love, and simple understanding that returning to a world where it is not so is difficult.
Being on my own is probably the most difficult thing I've had to come to terms with. The detachment from old close friends was paired with having to accept the fact that two more would be leaving in a year. On my trip to Austin for ACL this fall, shitty cell reception cause me to lose contact with the friends I came with and met up with and I had to fend for myself, on one occasion without any money, water, or food, and I did okay. I managed. I made a great time for myself. It wasn't as bad a thing as I'd always expected it to be. As the semester continued on after that, I pulled myself out of a pit of irresponsibility, found the best job I've ever had as well as my calling in life, and everything fell into place.
I figured out who I am and who I am not. I don't know where I'm going, but I know what I love. I'm going to do what I love, love what I do, and hold the people I love close to my heart. I've found a balance, I've figured out how to control myself for the first time in my entire life, and I'm not afraid to be afraid.