The birds are back- they wake me in the morning with their whistle songs and serenade me when I'm driving or walking. The sun is still up high when I leave work at 6:30. Trees are budding, flowering, and green is everywhere! A few weeks ago, the first baby bear sighting. He was caught in a tree near downtown (funny place for a bear...). But nature isn't alone in awakening from hibernation. And this awakening is just in time.
Consider my absence from this blog as just one dimension of my own hibernation. I have become so ingrained in a rhythm that seems to carry me through each day and week. Any attempts to alter the rhythm (ie, wake up early to go for a run, or go to after school early to prepare for the day) backfires. I wake up at the same time every day. Leave the house at the same time. Leave work at the same time. Go to bed at the same time.
But since spring has arrived, the rhythm has eased it's rigidity. I've found myself on a bike ride through town with friends the past two weekends and expanded my container window garden. I've been able to fit climbing into my lunch breaks. The biggest change, though, has been my own growth in strength and flexibility of both body and mind. And I attribute this to two things: an ashtanga yoga class, and rock climbing.
You see, the past three or so weeks have been insanely stressful, nearly comparable to Social Work Practice 3. The after school program I am starting up and directing has had a lot of major changes and a few kids with some major behavior and discipline issues. There has also been some drama with one of our tutors, and I have found myself pulling on my "social worker pants" and advocating for the three children that make my life hell most days because I refuse to be one more person who gives up on them. At the end of the day, I am reminded why I'm here and why I'm doing what I'm doing. And that I have a long way to go.
It seems that the Texas climate followed me to North Carolina. Winter left much to be desired as far as cold and snow goes, and spring has come and gone so fast it feels like summer is just around the corner. What is around the corner makes everything ok: Spring Break!!! Carol, Jenny, Peter, and a huge crew of folks from the Asheville climbing community are heading out to the Red River Gorge in Kentucky for a week of climbing and camping. I seriously cannot wait to live out of a tent and backpack for a week. This is way overdue. WAY overdue. And.... Ginny is joining us for a few days!!!!!!! By the way... have I mentioned that she moved to Atlanta... 4 hours away?? Yeah. That happened. And I am super excited.
So.. consider your friend Jordan awakened with Spring and back in action :)